Important part of our courses are guided tours. Each course includes a number between 3 and 8, plus some optional excursions. It depends on the duration of your stay. They will be a full day and half-day excursion, all included in the course. The destination will depend on the season, and we are available to the student’s suggestions about what to see. Further details will be given during the courses and in the calendar.
In addition to the guided tours we would like to remaind students that they will be able to move around easily by bus or by train. Especially in summer it is possible to get the beach of Casalbordino (which is just 5 km away) by bus, car or even by bycicle.
Here are a few tracks offered by our school:
° Abruzzo National Park 
° Cavallone Caves  |
° Orfento Valley |
° The hermitages of Mount Majella: in the footsteps of Pope Celestine V |
° L'Aquila and Abruzzo castles: the last refuge of the Knights Templar  |
° Medieval village of Santo Stefano di Sassanio, the chapel of San Pellegrino in Bominaco, the castle of Roccacalascio  |
° Sulmona - In July: the historical Palio and medieval tournament |
° Lanciano city of the Sanctuary of the Eucharistic Miracle - in September: medieval festival of "Mastrogiurato"  |
° Pacentro - in August: medieval festival of "I Caldoreschi" |
° Scanno and Scanno Lake, canyons of Sagittarius river and Cocullo – on May: the feast of St. Domenico  |
° Corfinio, the first capital of Italy - the archaeological museum and archaeological site of the "Giuramento degli Italici"  |
° Chieti Opera House Marrucino, Lanciano Fenaroli theater, Vasto Rossetti theater: opera, musica concert , theater or ballet  |
° Trabocchi Coast: Abbey of San Giovanni in Venere , the town of Ortona with a visit to the Aragonese Castle  |
° Vasto: archaeological museum, the Palazzo d'Avalos and the “Gold gulf”  |
° Castle of Roccascalegna, Bomba and Bomba Lake  |
° Castle of Casoli  |
° Fara San Martino, Headwaters of the Verde River, Abbey of St. Martin in the Valley |
° Pescara  |
° Chieti : archaeological museum  |
° Atri and Giulianova |
° Wine & Taste: a tour of the best wineries in Abruzzo  |
° Stiffe Caves and the village of Fontecchio |
° Outlet “Città Sant'Angelo Village”, a trip to the Italian fashion, Gucci, Versace, Valentino, Prada, Armani, D & G  |
°Weekend on the ski slopes of the Gran Sasso and Majella optional  |
° Rome and the Vatican - with the option to attend the Papal Audience on Wednesday  |
° Sorrento, Positano and Amalfi Coast  |
° Royal Palace of Caserta  |
° Naples Ercolano and Pompei  |
° Isle of Capri  |
° Puglia, Gargano National Park, Padre Pio Sanctuary, Peschici, Vieste and cave of St. Michael the Archangel, the trulli of Alberobello, Castle of Frederick II, Trani, Bari and Polignano a Mare  |
° Tivoli the Villa Hadriana and Villa d'Este  |
° Benedictine Abbey of Montecassino |
° Benedictine Abbey of Subiaco |
° Matera and the Sassi |
° Perugia and Assisi |
° Greek temples of Paestum, the Certosa di Padula and the Cilento National Park |
° San Marino, Rocca Gradara and Urbino |
° Tremiti islands: Pearls of the Adriatic |
° Termoli  |
° Florence, Pisa, Siena and Arezzo weekend, optional  |
° Venice weekend, optional  |
The Archaeological Summer Camp is an excellent opportunity to learn, participate, explore and further on-site archeological investigations for all lovers of archeology, history and art – whatever their age and experience. The programs are, in fact, open to students from elementary to university levels; activities, excavation and research are tailored accordingly... opzionale

Parco Nazionale della Majella |
The extreme variety of its natural habitats (marine habitat, river and lake, forest, mountain...), the Abruzzo is today more than ever as an extraordinary biological laboratory for the conservation of nature and ecosystems. This straordinary variety, leads the Abruzzo region in a major and leading role in the field of "green tourism". |
Parco nazionale d'Abruzzo, Lazio e Molise |
The Abruzzo region can be considered the most "Green" in Europe. In fact any other region in Europe focuses, within its borders such a variety of natural environments: from the sea to the mountains, from the lakes to rivers.
In Abruzzo 30% of the territory is under the environmental protection, with three national parks, a regional park and 38 between oasis and natural reserves. The parks extend into the mountainous area, offering a wide variety of landscapes and environments in which lives protected rare species, such as the Marsicano bears, the Apennine wolf, the chamois of Abruzzo and the golden eagles. |
L'eremo di San Domenico a Villalago |
la campagna sposa il mare... |
Le rigogliose colline Teatine |
natura selvaggia |
The COAST OF TRABOCCHI is a stretch of coast known throughout Italy for its naturalistic beauty and for its heterogeneity.  |
Abruzzo is also a region of sea , with miles of coastline rich in extraordinary landscapes, very different from each other. In the province of Chieti, and ideally until the Molise region, this becomes interesting coastline with coves, headlands, cliffs and jagged, making it a unique and comparable to the ocean coasts of Portugal or Scotland. |
Un meraviglioso panorama dal belvedere dell'Abbazia |
This tract, which extends from Ortona to Termoli, including San Vito Chietino, Rocca San Giovanni, Fossacesia, Casalbordino and Vasto, is known as "Trabocchi Coast" and takes its name from the "trabocco", an ancient and traditional boat construction, which is frequently meet on the coast and that it has become a symbol. |
Trabocco didattico delle Morge di Torino di Sangro |
Castello Aragonese - Ortona |
Riserva naturale Punta Aderci |
Punta Aderci is one of the most fascinating stretches of the coast of Abruzzo. Sand and shingle beaches, high cliffs and reefs, agricultural and wild landscapes.
Shades of green and blue of a stretch of the Adriatic where it's easy to impress.
IL MARE d'ABRUZZO sa rendersi indimenticabile, 133 chilometri di costa, lungo la quale si alternano arenili dorati e fresche pinete, scogliere, promontori, spiagge animate e festose e lidi solitari dove crogiolarsi in pace: il mare d'Abruzzo è tutto questo, con in più la simpatia e la proverbiale ospitalità degli abruzzesi... |
PARCO NAZIONALE D'ABRUZZO, LAZIO E MOLISE. Le montagne del Parco presentano un paesaggio vario ed interessante in cui si alternano vette tondeggianti, tipiche dell'Appennino, a pendii dirupati dal tipico aspetto alpino. |
IL SANTUARIO DELLA MADONNA DEI MIRACOLI, nelle campagne di Casalbordino, ha la sua origine dall’apparizione della Beata Vergine Maria ad un anziano di Pollutri, Alessandro Muzio, avvenuta nel lontano 11 giugno 1576.... |
IN ABRUZZO, I CASTELLI sono una costante del luogo: alcuni di essi sono diventati dei musei, altri sono stati ricostruiti, mentre di altri ancora rimangono solo le rovine. In ogni caso, però, permettono al turista in gita di ammirare uno splendido pezzo di storia ricco di fascino... |
SETTEMBRE. ANDIAMO È TEMPO DI MIGRARE. Ora in terra d’Abruzzo i miei pastori lascian gli stazzi e vanno verso il mare, vanno verso l’Adriatico selvaggio che verde è come i pascoli dei monti... |
ABRUZZO FORTE E GENTILE. Antichi rituali pagani, Romani ed Italici, sommati a secoli di tradizione Cristiana, insieme alla cultura rurale e pastorale, impreziosiscono gli usi e costumi della Regione dando vita ad un calendario di feste popolari ed eventi che copre tutti i 365 giorni dell'anno. |
ABRUZZO, TERRA RICCA DI SAPORI e prodotti genuini che rendono la cucina del territorio indimenticabile. Abruzzo offre a chi lo visita un'ampia scelta di profumi e sapori. Boschi, pascoli e fertili colline consentono alla mano sapiente dell'uomo di realizzare cibi e bevande indimenticabili |
Misura con noi il tuo livello di conoscenza della lingua italiana. |